Cytadren (Orimeten)

Generic Name: Aminoglutetimide

Cytadren usually comes in 250 mg tablets in blister packs.It has been prescribed for many reasons.
It was originally used as a mild tranquilizer but then it was discovered that it could be used to
treat Cushings Syndrome as an anti-cortisone in the body. Cushings Syndrome is a medical condition
where the body overproduces cortisol. Cortisone is a catabolic hormone which breaks down muscle in
the body. Cortisone prevents the protein synthesis in the muscle cell which results in muscle breakdown.
Most recently and really most commonly, it has been used as an aromatize inhibitor to treat breast
cancer in women. This is really where this drug becomes interesting to bodybuilders. The bodybuilders
in the know don't use this drug as an anti-cortisol since extremely low cortisol levels would not be
of benefit. They primarily use this drug as an aromatise inhibitor and to help in restoring HPTA function
after a steroid cycle. Low dose Cytadren use, in the area of no more than 250 mg/day selectively
inhibits aromatise with minimal effect on the enzymes that inhibit testicular and adrenal teroidogenesis.
You would want to take the 250 mg per day in divided doses. The referrable dosage schedule is to divide
the tablet into 4 equal parts and take 62.5 mg every 6 hours or so. There are really three main reasons
for taking it in low mg divided doses like those that are listed.First off, you will be able to keep the
cytadren drug serum levels at a fairly constant moderate level in the body throughout the day. This way
it is more effective against aromatise rather than just spiking it to a high level from taking an entire
tab, which also results in there being almost no desired anti-aromatise activity for part of the day since
the drug is largely eliminated from your body due to the short half life being about 6-8 hours. The second
main reason for you wanting to keep the cytadren blood serum level low as opposed to the high spike is that
you will have a higher ratio of desired anti-aromatise activity to undesired anti-desmolase activity.
Cytadren works so well at reducing cortisone production in the body that it makes your body produce ACTH
which stimulates corisone production as well effectively cancelling out the effects of the drug.
Since I am recommending taking low frequent doses, you will be able to keep from inhibiting desmolase
activity thus avoiding the ACTH problems that would be happening with the single dose spike. Whenever
cortisol levels are depressed by inhibition of desmolase, ACTH goes up in response. If you get the drug
out of your system while ACTH is still elevated cortisol levels will rise to abnormally high levels for a
time thus causing the problems.The third main reason for keeping the dosage in the 250 mg per day dosage is
that it is low enough at that dosage to not inhibit testosterone production by the body. Low dose cytadren
selectively inhibits aromatise with minimal effect on the enzymes that inhibit testicular and adrenal
steroidogenesis. Inhibition of aromatise can also result in increase in LH because of reduced estrogen
levels which would be beneficial in restoring HPTA functioning post cycle. Most of the abstracts on
Medline that showed decreases in natural testosterone production were using closer to 1000 mg per day.
Most people will be taking cytradren with steroids anyway so this really could be considered a moot point.
Side effects from this drug are as follows: fatigue, dizziness, restlessness, depression, sleeping problems,
and headaches are the most common.

40 tablets per box. 250 mg per tablet.
Average dose is 1 tablet a day.